Regional HRM experts in West and Central Africa (WCA) gain practical experience in conducting Capacity Building support missions

05 August 2016

The WCO - WACAM Project supports the WCA region in the development of a regional pool of HRM experts. In 2015, selected customs officers from the region have received training in HRM. Since 2016, these experts join the HRM lead expert on Capacity Building missions to member administrations in the region in order to gain practical experience. Therefore, from 18 - 22 July 2016, the WCO - WACAM project conducted a HRM modernization mission to the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), including a regional HRM expert from the Gambia Revenue Authority.

The mission was conducted following the request of the General Commissioner of the LRA for HRM support under the WACAM Project. The main objective of this mission was to conduct a diagnostic of the current status of HRM at the LRA using the WCO HR diagnostic tools as well as the development of HRM tools based on the competency approach. These tools will form the basis of the new HR system at the LRA.

At the end of the mission, it was agreed that the LRA will retain 31 December 2016 as the deadline for the finalization and validation of all the competency tools. Future support in the development of the tools and their eventual application will include experts from the regional pool of HRM experts.

The WCO – WACAM Project is financed by the government of Sweden. For further information, please contact Mr. Richard Chopra, WCO-WACAM Project Manager (


  • Regional HRM experts in West and Central Africa (WCA) gain practical experience in conducting Capacity Building support missions

    Regional HRM experts in West and Central Africa (WCA) gain practical experience in conducting Capacity Building support missions

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  • Regional HRM experts in West and Central Africa (WCA) gain practical experience in conducting Capacity Building support missions

    Regional HRM experts in West and Central Africa (WCA) gain practical experience in conducting Capacity Building support missions

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