8th Meeting of the MENA Regional Training Group

01 July 2014

Abu Dhabi, 28-29 May 2014

Article kindly provided by the ROCB of the MENA region

The eighth meeting of the MENA Regional Training Group in charge of setting up the regional training action plan was held in Abu Dhabi (UAE) on 28 and 29 May 2014, in cooperation with the WCO Vice-Chair's office for the MENA region (Morocco), and with the participation of representatives from Abu Dhabi Customs (host administration), Saudi Arabia (RTC of Riyadh), Libya, Jordan and Lebanon (RTC of Beirut), and the Regional Office for Capacity Building of the MENA region (ROCB-MENA).

The ROCB-MENA in Abu Dhabi initiated the working group meeting to coordinate the regional training efforts which will be provided by the three Regional Training Centers, as agreed at the different meetings of Directors General of Customs of the MENA region and also using the latest WCO tools and guidelines on Human Resource Development and training.

The work of this meeting focused on assessing the implementation of those actions included in the previous regional training action plan (results, constraints and proposals for corrective action), considering the needs expressed at regional level, the work methodology and follow-up mechanisms as recommended by the WCO, and finally, finalizing drafting the regional training plan for 2014-2015.

The Abu Dhabi Customs administration, which was represented by Mr. Abu Baker ELFAHIM, took the opportunity to reaffirm its continued commitment to support and promote regional cooperation in training, based on quality performance and exchange of best practices.

The RTG’s next meeting is scheduled for 09 and 10 December 2014 in one of the Member countries of the region, whilst maintaining another meeting in Abu Dhabi for the same period next year, the 27th and 28th of May 2015.


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