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The ROCB Europe: toward the effective implementation of a modern, competency-based structure

05 一月 2023

The WCO has focused on expanding its presence in the regions in recent years through the establishment of a number of Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and Regional Offices for Capacity Building (ROCBs). The overall objective  for establishing and running such regional entities has been to support Members' organizational development, incorporate and reflect the WCO's global strategy, capitalize on regional synergies, work closely with regional and local stakeholders and donors supporting capacity building, and address specific regional issues in a more relevant way.

Despite the efforts made by these structures, it is necessary to reinforce their contribution to the WCO regionalization approach. As a result, it will be essential for the WCO Secretariat to fully play its role of supporting the development and evaluation of the contribution of these entities to Members’ capacity building. It is also crucial to reinforce the roles and responsibilities of these regional entities to ensure that they can effectively contribute to the WCO capacity building agenda in alignment with the expectations under the WCO Strategic Plan.

In this regard, as part of its support to enable regional structures, especially Regional Office of Capacity Buildings (ROCBs), to play a pivotal role to the region they serve, a WCO team successfully conducted an expert advisory and technical assistance mission in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 18-30 December 2022 to support the ROCB Europe in its restructuring process. The ROCB Europe aims to play a more strategic role in the region and, in this regard, with the support of WCO experts, has started the work to overhaul its organization and structure.

The main objective of the WCO mission was to build the capacity of the ROCB staff and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop competency-based Human Resources Management (HRM) tools, including the Job Catalogue, Competency Framework and Dictionary and Competency-based Job Description.

Based on a comprehensive job analysis exercise and mandate of the ROCB, the ROCB staff, with the technical support of the WCO experts team, have preliminarily defined and provided clear descriptions and requirements for 23 work positions according to 3 functional areas: management, support and technical. They also identified and defined 80 competencies divided into three professional families: Managerial and behavioural Competencies, Support Competencies and Operational Competencies. All the developed tools took into consideration the working models in the “New Normal”. These tools that would be further elaborated are expected to be finalized with the input from Regional Members and presented for endorsement at the WCO Europe Region Heads of Customs Meeting to be held in May 2023. The WCO will continue to provide assistance and support to the ROCB Europe team in the implementation of a comprehensive competency-based HRM system.  

For more information on this mission and the WCO HRMD Programme, please contact Capacity.Building@wcoomd.org.