The anticipated outcome of the programme is that partner African countries implement and apply the 2022 version of the HS in line with the HS Convention, the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO-TFA) and the WCO’s Revised Kyoto Convention, as well as the relevant continental and regional commitments. The longer-term objective is to provide African countries and other stakeholders involved in the HS implementation process with the required organizational capacities and resources to apply future HS versions in a timely and coordinated manner throughout the respective regions and the entire continent.
The programme’s partners are: the African Union Commission, the African Regional Economic Communities (REC), the African Customs administrations, the other relevant government agencies and the private sector, all of them being involved in the process of application of the HS. Customs administrations will be the primary beneficiaries of the action since they have to develop, implement and apply the national tariffs in line with the HS Convention and RECs’ common external tariffs
The programme remains open to Customs administrations and RECs in Africa wishing to efficiently implement the HS, set up advance rulings systems and enhance their classification work model.
For more information, please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org or wcoHSAfrica@wcoomd.org.