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Pakistan joins thirty-five other Customs administrations using the WCO nCEN application

23 сентября 2019

The worldwide deployment of the World Customs Organization’s (WCO) National Customs Enforcement Network (nCEN) application is underway, with Pakistan now joining the club of 35 Customs administrations using the nCEN in their fight against international trans-border crime. Pakistan represents the seventh country in the Asia/Pacific region in which the nCEN has become operational.

The nCEN Programme aims at providing Customs administrations with the necessary hardware and software as well as related knowledge and skills to implement simplified and enhanced Customs law enforcement procedures, using modern operational techniques.

The WCO nCEN consists of three independent databases (a seizure database, a suspect database, and a company database), as well as a communication component. The core database of national Customs seizures and offences comprises data required for analysis, including means of conveyance and routes, as well as the possibility to view photos depicting, for example, exceptional concealment methods. Two supplementary databases contain information on suspect persons and offending business entities, facilitating a structured investigation process.

“With the deployment of the nCEN application in Pakistan, the WCO continues to support its Members in the fight against international trans-border crime and in ensuring safety and security at a national, regional and global level,” said Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, the Secretary General of the WCO. “As deployment of nCEN continues to grow, I would strongly encourage more Customs administrations to consider deploying this excellent enforcement tool,” he added. 

As a culminating part of the nCEN deployment process, financially supported by HM Revenue and Customs in the United Kingdom, an nCEN training workshop for future trainers was organized by the WCO in Pakistan from 29 July to 8 August 2019. Participants represented different enforcement and intelligence units from the Pakistan Customs Service.

Pakistani Customs officers face a critical mission in pursuing further the implementation of the nCEN at the national level, creating an effective national action plan in this regard, and designing and delivering future national training events. With the National Targeting Centre Project underway in Pakistan, the nCEN application will be a significant addition to existing electronic systems operated by Customs, and a useful tool in the enhancement of the country’s enforcement, intelligence, investigation, and targeting capabilities.

Dr. Jawwad Uwais Agha, Director General Pakistan Customs, while extending gratitude to the WCO and HM Revenue noted that nCEN will help in electronic capturing of seizures’ data for a better risk analysis, case management and effective enforcement.

The nCEN software is made available to all WCO Members free of charge. However, the costs of the hardware needed to run the application, the costs associated with training, and any costs related to modifications of local IT infrastructure (if applicable) are the responsibility of the implementing Customs administration.

More information on the nCEN can be obtained by contacting the WCO CEN Programme at nCEN@wcoomd.org.